Friday, February 25, 2011


Game created by Warren Robinett for Atari
Published in 1979

1 - What is the game genre (e.g. shoot-em-up, racing, sports, puzzle, MMORPG, ‘sandbox’, music sequence following game (e.g. DDR, guitar hero)

The first of the adventure game genre.

2 -What is the type of game ‘world’ or environment (e.g. flat environment, puzzle/maze space, 3D world?)

The world consisted of castles and a maze of pathways.

3 - What is the perspective taken by player (e.g first person, third person perspective, top down, isometric) in relation to main player controlled character.

The game is top down perspective, although some objects in the game, such as the dragons and the castles are shown from a front or side perspective to show more detail even though the.

4 - What is the actual gameplay – what does the player have to do?

The player can move the avatar in the four cardinal directions and pick up one object at a time to carry with them. The different objects have different functions and are needed to accomplish the goal. There was no instruction indicating what this goal was, but I determined it to be retrieving the glowing challis from the black castle and bringing it back to the yellow castle, using the yellow keys to enter the yellow castle to pick up the sword to kill the dragon guarding the black key and the dragon guarding entrance to the maze to the black castle.

5 - Is the gameplay intuitive? (i.e. is it easy to understand what to do without instructions?) describe.

The gameplay was highly intuitive, in fact, I did not see any instructions describing how to play the game. The imagery of castles and dragons implies what actions are to be expected from the player, such as picking up the sword and using it to slay the dragon, or picking up the key and using it to enter the castle. The doors of the castles and the gaps on the top bottom or sides of the screen imply that you can exit the screen in certain locations.

6 - Is the gameplay patterned (game does the same thing over & over) or is it random (happens differently every time?)

The gameplay has a very simple pattern. You can move around the screen up left right or down. If there is an enemy in the screen they move towards you. Each screen has one or more entry/exit points that you can move through to get to a new screen.

7 - What does the type of graphic approach used as well as the audio tell you about the limits of the technology at the time the game was published?

The graphics and audio of adventure depict how limited the technology at the time was.

8 - Describe your views about the game from the point of view of

1. ease of play

Adventure was easy to play although it was a bit obscure about what to do at times.

2. enjoyability

Adventure was enjoyable to play because it offered enough challenging to make you feel accomplished when you beat the game.

c) level of engagement/immersion

The level of engagement was as high considering the simple graphics and sounds.

9 - Had you played this game prior to this time? If so, when?

I had heard of Adventure before but never played it.

10 - what does playing the game remind you of in terms of other games/media?

The game is very typical of an adventure game.

Game Proposal

1)     Write a high concept statement: a few sentences that give a general flavor of the game. You can make references to other games, movies, book, or any other media if your game contains simlar characters actions or ideas

The game is a 2D butterfly simulation inspired by the PS3 game "Flower". Like the game flower, you explore a nature scene and visit the flowers. The goal of the game is to populate the virtual world with colorful flowers and butterflies. The focus would also be on butterflies not just flowers.

2)     What is the player’s role? Is the player pretending to be someone or something, and if so what? Is there more than one? How does the player’s role help to define the gameplay?

The player takes on the role of a soon to be butterfly that flies around looking for flowers.

3)     Does the game have an avatar or other key character? Describe him/her/it

The coloration of the butterfly that is the character's avatar is determined by the color of the plants the player finds and can lead to different abilities.

4)     What is the nature of the gameplay, in general terms? What kinds of challenges will the player face? What kinds of actions will the player take to oercome them?

The player must avoid birds by hiding among plants.

5)     What is the player’s interaction model? Omnipresent? Through an avatar? Something else? Some combination?

The player interacts through their avatar and can control it's flight.

6)     What is the game’s primary camera model? How will the player view the game’s world on the screen? Will there be more than one perspective?

The camera model is a 3rd person view of the player's avatar in the game world.

7)     Does the game fall into an existing genre? If so, which one?

A simulation game.

8)     Is the game competitive, cooperative, team-based or single player? If multiple players are allowed are they using the same machine with separate controls or different machines over a network?

The game would be single player.

9)     Why would anyone want to play this game? Who is the game’s target audiencde? What characteristics distinguise them from the mass of players in general?

The target audience would be casual gamers.

10)   What machine or machines is the game intended to run on? Can it make use of or will it require any particular hardware such as dance mats or a camera?

The game is intended to run in the browser on any home computer.

11)   What is the game’s setting? Where does it take place?

The game's setting is a meadow.

12)   Will the game be broken into levels? What might be the victory condition for a typical level?

The levels would be the different parts of the world. The victory condition for a typical level would be to fill the level with colorful flowers and butterflies.

13)   Does the game have a narrative or story as it goes along? Summarize the plot in a sentence or two.

The plot is the destruction of the natural butterfly habitat by mysterious dark powers and it is the player's quest to discover the source of the corruption and to reestablish the butterfly population.


Laser Eye: damage values : (0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Fist: The robot attacks only the square directly in front of it for 2 damage.
Atomic Mine: The mines have gone missing.
Rotate 90: Turn towards the nearest tank or goal line if all the tanks are destroyed.
Move: The robot moves forward one space if the space is empty and not off the board if facing the goal line or facing a tank.