Friday, April 29, 2011

Design Practice QUESTIONS

1. What entities and resources will be in the game? Which resources are made upof individual entities (such as a resource of airplanes consisting of individual planesthat the computer can track separately) and which are described by mass nouns(such as water, which cannot be separated into discrete objects)?

The game will contain various flora and fauna that are made up of individual entities. There will also be entities for clouds, rain (as a mass), and the ground surface of the world.

2. What unique entities will be in the game?

The unique nature of the entities in the game would be derived from the player's decisions in the game. The player would have control over the look and behavior of the various flora and fauna encountered.

3. Which entities will actually include other entities as part of their defi nition?(Remember that an avatar may have an inventory, and an inventory containsobjects.)

The clouds would contain the rain.

4. What attributes describe each of the entities that you have identifi ed? Whichattributes are numeric and which are symbolic?

Each entity would have a coordinate position in relation to the game world, a rotation attribute, a lifespan, all of which would be numeric. There would also be an action attribute which would be symbolic.

5. Which entities and resources will be tangible, and which will be intangible?Will any of them change from one state to another, like the resources in Age ofEmpires?

The flora and fauna would be tangible resources.

6. What mechanics govern the relationships among the entities? Remember thatany symbolic entity requires mechanics that determine how it can get into each ofits possible states and how other entities interact with each possible state.

The mechanic of colliding with an entity would cause that entity to perform its action.

7. Are there any global mechanics in the game? What mechanic governs the waythe game changes from mode to mode?

When the player reaches the end of the lifespan for their character without dying prematurely, the player starts a new mode.

8. For each entity and resource, does it come into the game world at a source, ordoes it start off in a game world that does not provide a source for additional entities or resources? If it does come in at a source, what mechanics control theproduction rate of the source?

The entities in the game would reproduce to create more of that entity. The mechanics would be controlled in part with the player's interaction with the entities.

9. For each entity and resource, does it go out of the game world at a drain, or doesit all remain in the game world and never leave? If it does go out at a drain, whatconditions cause it to drain?

Each entity leaves the game at the end of its lifespan or when consumed.

10. What conversion processes exist in your world? What trader processes exist? Doany feedback loops or mutual dependencies exist? What means have you providedto break or prevent deadlocks?

The entities in the game are mutually dependent. The entities must consume other entities in order to live. If the entities all die out, then the game ends.

11. Can your game get into a state of equilibrium, static or dynamic? Does it includeany form of decay or entropy that prevents states of equilibrium from forming?

Each of the entities decays, and must consume other entities to survive causing a dynamic equilibrium.

12. How do mechanics create active challenges? Do you need to establish anymechanics to detect if a challenge has been surmounted?

The constant threat of being consumed by larger entities combined with the need to consume smaller entities creates the active challenge of surviving.

13. How do mechanics implement actions? For each action that may arrive from theuser interface, how do the core mechanics react?

The user interface controls an avatar that causes actions by colliding with entities.

14. For autonomous entities such as nonplayer characters, what mechanics controltheir behavior? What mechanics defi ne their AI?

The mechanics of the AI would consist of searching through the entities in the game world and moving the position of the entity each frame towards the closest entity it is capable of consuming or away from the closest enemy capable of consuming it.

Design Practice EXERCISE

2. Research the history and rules of Tetris, then perform the following exercises:

a. Devise an entity that contains enough attributes to describe the tetromino (aTetris block) that is currently under the player’s control. Name each attribute inthe entity; state whether it is symbolic or numeric; and if symbolic, list its possible values.Your entity should include one cosmetic attribute.

The attributes of a tetromino are the rotation, the coordinates in relation to the play field, and the placement of the 4 squares.

b. Document the effect of each of the player actions allowed in Tetris on theattributes of the currently falling tetromino. Bear in mind that some actionshave different effects depending on which tetromino is currently falling. Wherethis is the case, be sure to document the effects of the action on each differenttype of tetromino.

The player's key strokes can shift the tetromino along the x-axis, speed up the progression along the y-axis, or rotate the tetromino.

c. Document one of the scoring systems for Tetris (there are several; you maychoose one), indicating what condition of the play field causes the score numericentity to change and by how much. Your mechanic for changing the scoreshould include as a factor the current game level (another numeric entity). Alsodocument what makes the current game-level entity change.

The score is added to every time a tetromino is placed on the board without reaching the top. Significantly more points are awarded for completing rows and the level is a multiplier for the score.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong's is challenging to play. The main challenge is timing. As you progress, you have less time to make decisions about how to move your character to avoid enemies and rescue the princess. I passed the first level by jumping over barrels, getting the hammer to destroy barrels, and eventually reaching the top where the princess was. This instigated the start of another level which had more enemies and the same princess in need of rescue at the top. The levels get progressively harder, rewarding you briefly by showing Mario and the princess and a heart, then challenging you again and again until you fail. A good sense of rhythm is required to play for very long.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Pinball Gameplay

1) What is "good gameplay" when it comes to pinball game design?

Good gameplay rewards the player for hitting targets, and does not punish players for missing targets too severely. The design would also allow for interesting movement of the ball when the player fails to reach the desired target, not only when the player hits the target.

2) How do pinball playfield designers create exciting experiences?

Pinball playfield designers create a story players progress through by accomplishing the subgoals. The designers also put in flashing lights and sounds for accomplishing these subgoals. The build up of sound and lights adds to the excitement the player feels and lets the player know they are doing well to encourages them to play more.