Friday, April 29, 2011

Design Practice EXERCISE

2. Research the history and rules of Tetris, then perform the following exercises:

a. Devise an entity that contains enough attributes to describe the tetromino (aTetris block) that is currently under the player’s control. Name each attribute inthe entity; state whether it is symbolic or numeric; and if symbolic, list its possible values.Your entity should include one cosmetic attribute.

The attributes of a tetromino are the rotation, the coordinates in relation to the play field, and the placement of the 4 squares.

b. Document the effect of each of the player actions allowed in Tetris on theattributes of the currently falling tetromino. Bear in mind that some actionshave different effects depending on which tetromino is currently falling. Wherethis is the case, be sure to document the effects of the action on each differenttype of tetromino.

The player's key strokes can shift the tetromino along the x-axis, speed up the progression along the y-axis, or rotate the tetromino.

c. Document one of the scoring systems for Tetris (there are several; you maychoose one), indicating what condition of the play field causes the score numericentity to change and by how much. Your mechanic for changing the scoreshould include as a factor the current game level (another numeric entity). Alsodocument what makes the current game-level entity change.

The score is added to every time a tetromino is placed on the board without reaching the top. Significantly more points are awarded for completing rows and the level is a multiplier for the score.

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