Friday, May 13, 2011

Pros and Cons of free browser based MMORPGs



Many free browser based MMORPG can actually be spy-ware.

Plug Ins

Many browser based MMORPGs required you first download a plug-in to play. This is fine if you have your own computer, but if you are using a public computer, you may not be able to download the necessary plug in.


Many of the free browser based MMORPGs are just betas, and after the beta closes, the only way to play is to pay.

Cyber Attack

Browser based MMORPG are vunerable to cyber attacks. I found Free Realms, hosted by Sony Online Entertainment, had fallen victim to cyber attack and had shut down when I attempted to play.


MMORPGs are a fun way to play online with other people. A game that worked for me was zOMG! It was cute and you could start playing without giving away your personal information such as your name and e-mail first.  However if you did not provide this you could not customize your avatar.

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